Comité de Suivi de la
Problématique des Réfugiés Rwandais (CSPR)
SPR • P.O. Box 3026, Manchester, NH 03105 • PHONE : +1(603) 233-4511 • CSPR Is a coalition of Rwandan Civile Society and Political organisations in Diaspora on the Process and Application of the Cessation Clause applied on Rwandan refugees
Fled between 1959 to December 31 1998.
CSPR Press Release
in the International Conference on the implementation of the Cessation Clause
for Rwandan Refugees from 1959 to 31 December 1998, held in Geneva, Switzerland
on 19 June 2017, with the participation of certain diplomatic missions in
Switzerland, including one of the Government of Rwanda, and some international
NGOs, and representatives of Rwandan refugees:
Reiterates its tribute to all the States and peoples
hosting Rwandan refugees for their unshakable spirit of solidarity, selflessness,
humanism and generosity they have demonstrated and continue to demonstrate
since they entered into their respective territories. In this regard, a special
mention goes to the African peoples and countries.
Reiterates the relevant
recommendations of the International Conference on Rwandan refugees held in
Brussels, Belgium, on 19 and 20 April 2013 as well as those of the Joint
Conference of Rwandan Civil Society and Political Organizations of Diaspora on
the common position in relation with the implementation of the cessation clause
for Rwandan refugees from 1959 to December 31, 1998 held on November 29, 2015;
Recommends to all
players involved in the implementation of the procedures of the cessation
clause for Rwandan refugees from 1959 to 1998 to recognize that obstacles to
massive voluntary repatriation are more to be found on the side of Rwandan
Government than on the side of refugees;
Recommends to all
players involved in the implementation of the procedures of the cessation
clause for Rwandan refugees from 1959 to 1998 to refrain from any act that may
cause chaos within the refugee community where some of them might find
themselves in a situation of irregulars or stateless people in the host
country, or even attempt to vanish in nature;
1. Recommends to the UNHCR to :
a. Advocate for
the introduction of some flexibility in the timing of the process of the
implementation of the Comprehensive Solutions Strategy for
Rwandan refugees;
b. Admit that
the extension of the deadline of 31 December 2017 is inevitable and the right
thing to do, especially when you candidly look at the pace of progress of the
c. Organize a
Round Table on Rwandan refugees which would regroup the multilateral and
bilateral donors, countries hosting Rwandan refugees, and those who receive
them the context of resettlement program, the African Union, the European
Union, the Government of Rwanda, concerned human rights organizations, as well
as the true representatives of these refugees to enhance and smooth the
Comprehensive Solutions Strategy that takes into account the realities on the
d. Provide for a
special status for Rwandan refugees in the DRC as they are in a special
situation and the majority of them have never had the chance to be officially
recognized as refugees prima facie
,nor received any kind of assistance from the international community;
e. Provide a
special protection to former defense staff and witnesses at the International
Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.
f. Consider the
resettlement of some refugees in third countries such as those of the European
Union, USA, Australia, Canada and many others as one of sustainable solutions
by excellence and urge these countries to increase the quotas of refugees they
regularly receive in the framework of the relocation program.
g. Open a line
for formal or informal communication between UNHCR and the true representatives
of the refugees to exchange on approaches that would lead to the success of the
process of implementation of the current or future cessation clause;
Recommends to the Rwandan Government to :
a) To ensure
that the principle of independence of institutions and the separation of powers
does not suffer from any interference of the Executive in the matters of
legislative or judicial power.
b) Resolutely
embrace the cessation of all continued flagrant violations human rights
accompanied by the release of political prisoners and ensure that all political
opponents are free to participate in the political process and are not labeled
as enemies of the country;
c) Open the
political space and offer all citizens the right and the opportunity, without
distinction and without unreasonable restrictions, to freely establish and
register a political party and to operate in a pluralistic political sphere
without being threatened or concerned as is the case today;
d) Stop once and
for all to harass, kidnap and murder refugees in their host countries;
e) Immediately
suspend all laws and regulations leading to the deprivation and dispossession
of refugees properties;
f) Thoroughly
investigate and prosecute the perpetrators of assassinations, disappearances,
arbitrary detention, torture and inhuman and degrading treatment observed on
the whole national territory on a daily basis;
g) Stop covering
up or minimizing the famine raging in many parts of the country, to tackle its
root causes and accept the offer of food aid in kind rather than requiring aid
in cash;
h) Put an end to
belligerent acts against the countries of the sub region and focus on the good
neighbor policy;
Recommends the countries hosting refugees to :
a) Keep in mind
that despite the current Government charm offensive fear of Rwandan refugees is
real, and therefore continue to foster their integration in alleviating the
requirements and other administrative formalities, because anyway these
refugees already live in harmony with the local population;
b) Understand
that it would be deplorable that all acts of charity they have taken in favor
of refugees are watered off by a rigid
and blind implementation of the process
of the cessation clause;
c) Refrain from
any act that would put the refugees in a situation of irregulars or stateless
such as the refoulement, the refusal to renew the residence permit or of the
identity card;
d) Follow very
closely and punish the acts of harassment and persecution against Rwandan
refugees by the Rwandan Government through its diplomatic missions and agents
of what is commonly called "diaspora."
e) Refrain from
sending Rwandan refugees to the Rwandan courts because Rwanda enough has
demonstrated that its justice is neither fair nor independent;
f) Continue
paying attention to the concerns of the refugees.
Recommends the International Community to :
a) Put pressure
on the Government of Rwanda so that it opens up political space, stops its
flagrant violations of the human rights and fundamental freedoms, put term to
all attempts of destabilization of the sub-region countries regardless of the
pretexts advanced;
b) Put pressure
on the Government of Rwanda so that it proceeds to the dismantling of all
obstacles preventing refugees from returning to the country with dignity and
c) Put pressure
on the Government of Rwanda to accept a Highly Inclusive Inter-Rwandan Dialogue
to find a lasting solution to cyclic violence of ethnic conflicts.
d) Follow-up of
the recommendations of the Mapping Report concerning the most serious violations of human rights and international
humanitarian law committed within the territory of the DRC between March 1993
and June 2003 in order to put an end to impunity.
e) Cooperate
with the UNHCR in the mobilization of necessary funds for the Organization of a
Round Table on the issue of Rwandan refugees.
on the
African Union and the African Commission
on Human and Peoples’ Rights to advocate for the Rwandan refugees in general
and in particular those that are hosted on the African continent, so that the
countries and the peoples of Africa hosting Rwandan refugees understand that
the fears of the latter are real and founded and that, despite the entry into
force of the cessation clause and acting in the context of legendary African
values of their hospitality, solidarity and Ubuntu (humanism), they refrain
from brutalizing them until conditions are right for their safe repatriation or
another durable solution is found.
Calls on the Swiss Confederation to use its experience and
expertise in resolving crises to facilitate and support a round table with all
actors, including refugees, in order to find a solution to the problem of
Rwandan refugees.
Reiterates its
exhortation to Rwandan refugees to better organize themselves and intensify
their efforts to better interact with their host countries.
Charges the
Follow-up Committee on the Issues of Rwandan Refugees to follow very closely
the matter of Rwandan refugees, and make concrete proposals to the relevant
authorities in order to alleviate the negative consequences on the lives of
refugees related to the implementation of the cessation clause.
in Geneva 19 June 2017
• P.O. Box 3026, Manchester, NH 03105 •
PHONE : +1(603) 233-4511 • CSPR Is a coalition of Rwandan Civile Society and
Political organisations in Diaspora on the Process and Application of the
Cessation Clause applied on Rwandan refugees
Fled between 1959 to December 31 1998.