The political
platform, composed of political organisations Amahoro PC, FDU-Inkingi; PDP-
Imanzi; PS Imberakuri and Ihuriro Nyarwanda- Rwanda National Congress- RNC
would like to express its deep concern over a new wave of crackdown on
opposition leaders as the RPF regime is bulldozing every Rwandan to endorse the
wishes of President Kagame to become life President in a referendum now
scheduled for the 18th of December 2015. Indeed, President Kagame is quoted saying
during the extended RPF executive party meeting. he personally chaired on the 6th
of December 2015, that his decision to accept to run again for the presidency
will depend on the level of the score during the referendum.
We would like to
inform the international community and the public at large that the attempted
kidnapping of the 1st Vice President of FDU-Inkingi Boniface Twagirimana
is part of a strategy to decapitate the opposition and intimidate anyone
opposed to the final plan of confiscation of power by General Paul Kagame. The
ruling party is desperate to get a very high score in the referendum by hook or
The arrest TWAGIRIMANA Boniface, 1st Vice-President of FDU-Inkingi,
follows the conviction of its President Mrs Victoire INGABIRE and that of its Secretary General, Mr Sylvain SIBOMANA, both condemned to heavy sentences of
imprisonment after mock trials. Boniface Twagirimana escaped earlier attempts
to kidnap him from his home in Gitarama. He was saved on each occasion by the
timely intervention of the population around him. He had already complained for
some months now about unknown people who were stalking him. Two other
FDU-Inkingi political leaders, Nsabiyaremye Gratien, responsible of political affairs at the steering committee, as well
as Théophile Ntirutwa party official in the city of Kigali have
experienced threats and suspicious visits.
We would to thank most sincerely the courage of the population of Kigali
for saving the life of Boniface Twagirimana and exposing state sponsored
kidnappings in Rwanda.
We are shocked by the
cynicism of the Rwandan security services for while they were holding Boniface
Twagirimana at the Remera Police Station, two vehicles of the Rwandan police
and another vehicle with private number plate with eight junior policemen and
three senior officers were on board, arrived at the FDU-Inkingi headquarters on
Saturday morning 5th December 2015 at 11 am, allegedly to
investigate if Boniface was hiding at the Party Office. One of three vehicles remained
parked near the party headquarters. In the late afternoon the police come to
recognize that Boniface was detained indeed at Remera Police Station where they
forced him to reveal passwords of his email and Skype accounts. He was released
at 19H.
We would like to recall that
in order to ensure a “landslide victory” in August 2010
elections, the government ordered a crackdown on newspapers critical of
government and on political opponents. The government suspended two popular
independent newspapers, Umuseso and Umuvugizi, described by the New York-based
Committee to Protect Journalists as 'the only critical media voices left in the
country'. Jean-Leonard Rugambage, a journalist working for the banned newspaper
Umuvugizi was gunned down; his colleague who had fled to Uganda survived
kidnapping thanks to a swift intervention of Ugandan security services.
The editor of Inyenyeli
newspaper was not so lucky, as he was gunned down in Kampala on 1st
December 2011. A second presidential hopeful, Bernard Ntaganda, was
put in prison on four charges, including terrorism. The Vice President of the
Green Party was murdered in dubious circumstances. The President of the Party
ran into exile. Mrs Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza President of FDU-Inkingi was also
The platform takes this
opportunity to thank first all friends of the people of Rwanda including
embassies, the media, human rights organizations, and any other organizations
or individuals who have contributed to the rapid release of the 1st Vice President
of FDU Inkingi.
Member of platform would like to reiterate that the central problem of the
Rwandan crisis lies in the exercise of power and requires a political solution.
Repression can only postpone the revolution for democratic change. Therefore, we
are convinced that durable peace and security in Rwanda hinges on embracing
change through transparent and peaceful transfer of power and building strong
institutions instead of strongmen.
PP signatories
Bukeye Joseph
President of the Platform
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